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Spam & Virus Protection

FACT: Out of four million email messages...on average over 3,850,000 are outright spam, about 10,000 messages will contain a virus. Protect yourself with SpamFurnace!

Spam Furnace, which is powered by Barracuda Networks Spam Firewall, uses a TEN-step system that checks all email for both spam and viruses before the mail reaches your inbox. You have access to personal controls so you can tell the system how you want to handle suspicious mail, whether or not you wish to have email scanned at all, when you would like to be notified by email that suspicious mail has been held (daily, weekly, or not at all), and who you would always like to receive email from and whom to reject.

  • Designed with Business People in Mind
  • Stop Spam Before It Reaches Your Inbox
  • Eliminate 85% of Spam by Switching to Spam Furnace Then Teach Spam Furnace to Eliminate the Rest
  • Control Your Preferences Using Your Web Browser